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Camus Recognized by World Economic Forum as a “Technology Pioneer”

Authored by:
Astrid Atkinson
Last Updated: 
June 6, 2024

June 6, 2024 - The World Economic Forum announced today that Camus has been selected to join the Forum's Centre for Energy and Materials and lend the organization’s expertise as part of this prestigious group.

Driving Technological Innovation, Accelerating the Utility Sector’s DSO Transition

The World Economic Forum's Innovator Communities bring together leaders of innovative start-ups and scale-ups to share best practices in technological development and commercialization, shape industry objectives and development pathways, and otherwise inform a global agenda for public-private cooperation on critical issues—including decarbonization and energy justice. Like our counterparts in the 2024 cohort of WEF Technology Pioneers, Camus' participation in the initiatives undertaken by the Centre for Energy and Materials is requested on merit and aims to advance a foundational goal:  

Accelerating the U.S. and global energy transitions by equipping electric utilities with the information, operational tools, and confidence they need to deliver a clean, reliable, affordable, and ultimately more powerful grid.

"The energy transition requires coordination between technology innovators, technology adopters, the public and private institutions that enable and incentivize those actions, and the communities we strive to serve together,” said Astrid Atkinson, CEO of Camus. “By joining this coalition, the Camus team is confident that the merits and mechanics of grid orchestration — maximizing the use of existing grid infrastructure through intelligent orchestration of local generation and flexible demand — will reach new audiences.”

Since 2019, Camus has been at the leading edge of grid orchestration software development, implementation, and deployment for the power and utilities industry. Under the leadership of Atkinson—who cut her teeth in software and systems reliability engineering at Google—the Camus team brings a wealth of expertise and experience in distributed architecture development and operations (i.e., cloud computing), cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence and machine learning to the most mission-critical sector of the economy-wide decarbonization effort.

Listen: Delivering a renewable, self-driving grid

Camus specializes in providing advanced software solutions for modernizing and optimizing electric distribution grid operations, and with it, delivering improved network capacity management, customer well-being, and decarbonization outcomes. Their innovative orchestration platform leverages data analytics, machine learning, and automation to enhance grid reliability, resilience, and efficiency. 

How? Camus’ grid orchestration platform monitors, forecasts, and proactively dispatches local energy resources, from electric vehicle chargers and smart thermostats to substation-sited batteries and industrial loads, to manage distribution network capacity and optimize the use of existing grid infrastructure. By dynamically balancing local supply and demand in real-time, grid orchestration maximizes efficiency, lowers costs, and facilitates the accelerated integration of clean energy technologies onto the grid.

With orchestration capabilities in hand, investor-owned, municipal, and cooperative utilities alike may assume the role of the Distribution System Operator (DSO), an emerging operational and business model for managing how power is delivered to—and provided by—commercial and residential consumers.

A Continued Commitment to Innovation

This appointment reinforces Camus’ dedication to innovation in the energy sector. The company's close partnerships with utilities have made it a leader in grid orchestration and helped lay the foundation for the growth of other innovative grid technologies like virtual power plants, vehicle-to-grid integration, and flexible interconnection for distributed generation.

By engaging with the World Economic Forum, Camus can help shape policies and best practices for a more resilient, decarbonized grid. To learn more about the World Economic Forum’s Centre for Energy and Materials Innovation, visit the Centre’s website.

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