Preparing For A Capacity-Constrained Future

Hear how La Plata Electric Association, a Colorado electric co-op, is using beneficial electrification and DERs to lower costs and boost reliability while shifting to greater renewable supply.


About the Webinar

Flexibility for a renewable future

With the continued growth of wind and solar, forward-thinking utilities like La Plata Electric Association (LPEA) understand that capacity will be in shorter supply. To help ensure affordable and reliable electricity 24/7/365, LPEA is turning to distributed, member-owned resources.

In this webinar, Dan Harms and Dominic May discuss how thoughtful approaches to beneficial electrification can support the growth of flexible, member-owned resources -- and provide more power supply options.

Learn about LPEA's vision, the groundwork LPEA has laid to prepare for a wave of electrification, and the new programs LPEA is developing for its members.

Dan Harms, EVP of Grid Solutions, LPEA
Dominic May, Energy Resource Program Architect, LPEA
Sydney Lienemann, Head of Programs, Camus Energy

sunset in durango, colorado


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